The Whole Purpose Of This Gallery Is To Help The People Of Ukraine. I Send All Proceeds to Ukraine - See The List Below - So You Can Donate direct! Help Me Help More People By Sharing!
My Art is available as posters, framed, on mugs, notepads, linens and more.

ReflectRed by Rod Turner

BlueReflectOn 4 Ukraine by Rod Turner

Fly By sky by Rod Turner

Flower Power by Rod Turner

Beauteyes by Rod Turner

Foggy Valley by Rod Turner

Hot and Cold by Rod Turner

Tree House by Rod Turner

Radiant Plant by Rod Turner

Warm Future by Rod Turner

Flyby by Rod Turner

Warmamus by Rod Turner

Surreal Lake by Rod Turner

Layerz by Rod Turner

Beam Me Up by Rod Turner

Flower Full by Rod Turner

Beachamus by Rod Turner

Surreal Reflect by Rod Turner

Hiding in Plain Sight by Rod Turner

SpaceX by Rod Turner

Radiant Trees by Rod Turner

Mirror by Rod Turner

Ripplicious by Rod Turner

TwoTown by Rod Turner
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 108
Why I am making this Art sale to benefit the people of Ukraine
For details please visit my website; www.OBW.LIFE or
Hello and welcome! My name is Rod Turner, I am a successful serial hi-tech entrepreneur and I love to make digital art! I am CEO of my current tech business which is successful.
It's important to me to help people in need, so when I realized that my art is liked by many people, I decided to sell my art to send all the money directly to Ukraine.
Help me help more people in Ukraine by sharing this page on social media. Thank you! Together we can have a big positive impact on the Ukrainian people to help them through the horrible trauma that they are experiencing.
I send all proceeds to the best entities active on the ground in Ukraine. They are detailed below, you can donate to them directly.
These are the groups that I have already selected to send proceeds to;
From 2008 to 2011 I was Chairman of ArtSlant LP, which was then a leading contemporary artist website.